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Chapters & Expansion

Alpha - San Francisco State University
Beta - San Jose State University
Beta Phi is a local sorority, meaning we fully govern each of our chapters by ourselves without answering to higher authority.  Unlike national organizations, we do not have to meet quotas every semester and get penalized if not met or pay outstanding dues to heiarchy.  We believe one important aspect that Beta Phi carries as a local sorority is the strong bond of sisterhood we hold towards each other knowing each and every one of our sisters.
Want to become a Founding Sister?
If you are interested in becoming a member of Beta Phi, please feel free to contact us.  We are more than glad to hear from ladies that are interested in expanding our history & diverse sorority throughout different campuses. 
Beta Phi membership is open to all female students of San Francisco State University, San Jose State University, and any other expansion campus regardless of race, sexual preference, religion, nationality, political affiliation or disability.  For more information, you can also check out our RUSH page for upcoming events & contacts. 

Please see our RUSH page for more details.